WARNING: Radical Honesty is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS—as soon
as YOU start being radically honest with yourself and then when interacting
with others, well, HONESTY will spread faster than tuberculosis!
“Radical Honesty”, as introduced by Dr. Brad Blanton,
is a means of DIRECTLY, CLEARLY, you know…honestly,
communicating with ONE another. What a
RADICAL concept, right?!
FEAR with others?! *And without worrying HOW others will respond?! Isn’t it RIDICULOUS that we crawled out of
the ocean (according to some); developed our OWN buffet of flavorful WORDS and
LANUGUAGES (even SIGN LANGUAGE and MUSIC!); invented the wheel and “The Clapper”;
launched bloody SPACE STATIONS; cloned farm animals; and yet, we cannot SPEAK
honestly with ONE another! Ricolaaaaaaa—DICULOUS!
Dr. Blanton was kind enough to study the impact of Radical
Honesty on some human guinea pigs (*and while I am here, let’s STOP testing on
animals PLEASE!) His studies confirmed
(because HE BELIEVED they would!) that people become “more happy”/feel “more
FREE” when they are being HONEST about themselves TO THEMSELVES and OTHERS,
even the painful and taboo stuff (like Mime Fetishes)! Honesty
creates instant and authentic intimacy between/among people; in other words,
Honesty DISARMS others. What did we
say as kids? “Here, look at my boo
boo!” And what did we get in return for
SHARING OUR WOUNDS? A kiss on the boo
boo, right?!

Radical Honesty is ALL about speaking with INTEGRITY,
authenticity, “being REAL”, TRUTH, SHARING, OPENESS, Vulnerability, and
connecting through verbal communication (which is EXACTLY why we created words
and language in the first place! To be
able to CLEARLY COMMUNICATE with others!) And just so you know, Radical Honesty
is not always pretty. Radical Honesty is
about TRANSPARENCY—there are NO SECRETS with Radical Honesty.
Can you IMAGINE if
Honesty, too? Radical Honesty
naturally warrants TRANSPARENCY and thus, ACCOUNTABILITY—attributes we are
lacking in modern times, no?
Naturally, Radical
Honesty starts with YOU practicing BEING HONEST with YOURSELF. I.e., Ask
anyONE, I have a TEMPER. I am notorious
for spectacular PUBLIC TANTRUMS (just ask any Airport Security!!) However, I see how these Bollywood-esque
tantrums benefit and serve me as release of healthy anger, sometimes a shared
release with others, and surely, entertainment and education for some. One of my infamous tantrums saved Marcos and
I from being BUSTED in Mexico, by the Mexican Army, during our “Operation
Smuggle Marcos”! Hell! My tantrums brought AIDS drugs to Africa!
Radical Honesty is
about identifying and LOVING ALL aspects of OURSELVES: the “good”, the “bad”,
and the “ugly.” From this place of
Self-LOVE and Self-AWAREness, we can honestly communicate with others.
In order to practice
and LIVE Radical Honesty, there are some “things” you need to LET GO:
Let Go of the need to
please others—not your job! YOUR JOB
is to PLEASE YOURSELF. If others are not
happy, well that is THEIR STORY, not yours!
Let Go of being
politically-ERECT—everyONE and their cousin knows when you say “African
American”, you mean a “black” person…besides most of the “African Americans” I
know could not find bloody Senegal on a map, much less speak an African
perpetuates Duality-thinking (Us vs Them, Man vs Woman, Man vs Nature, Good vs
Evil, Pepsi vs Coca Cola, etc.) *And in
case you did not get the tweet, we are returning to ONEness!
Let GO of trying to
impress others—have you ever stopped to look at just how much time, energy
and money you spend TRYING to MAKE YOURSELF look GOOD to OTHERS? You want people to think you are
can’t you just BELIEVE you are LOVABLE JUST AS YOU ARE?!!!
about yourself (and others!)—using Radical Honesty, you can change YOUR
story! Tired of being “the victim”—then
bloody well TELL people, “Dude, I am NOT playing the victim role any
more—didn’t you get my tweet?” Practice
saying “No, thank you”, when you really do not want to do something! You know damn well when you do something you
do not REALLY want to do to please someONE else, you end up RESENTING IT and
that resentment shows up as illness, dis-ease and violence in all its forms
(from sarcasm to physical and psychological).
Let GO of your
“manners” – Etiquette is merely a conditioning tool, a code of behavior set
according to contemporary “conventional norms” (WTF does THAT mean?!) within a
society, social class or group. Keep in mind, back in the 50’s, it was “proper
etiquette” that black people use separate toilets—WTF?!! Question MANNERS every time they surface; some manners may still be
valuable to us. But if etiquette (children: “be seen, not heard”) prevents you
from BEING YOU—well, get rid of it! To quote Thomas Edison, “There are no RULES here! We are
trying to accomplish something!”
Let Go of Gossip—
I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best: “Great
minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” Really,
there is nothing LESS HONEST than talking negatively about others, because
fuck—you barely KNOW yourself, how can you possibly CLAIM TO KNOW OTHERS?!
Let GO of being
“Right”-- Radical Honesty is also about admitting when we are wrong; when
we have made a mistake. It is about
ACCOUNTABILITY. When we have truth, then we have accountability, and then, finally, we
For experiment’s sake, how about we ALL TRY RADICAL HONESTY
and see how it feels! Feel FREE to SHARE your radically honest experiences!
LIVE your bliss,
The Goofy G.u.r.u.