The answer is always LOVE (or sometimes, "42"!)

The answer is always LOVE (or sometimes, "42"!)
My philosophy is LOVEISM...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Best Advice I Ever Received: Ode to Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss is MY patron saint, so in honor of his birthday, today, March 2...

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
         from The Lorax,  Dr. Seuss

The best advice I ever did get
Did not come from a celebrated pundit.
It came from a series of children’s stories
That cleverly addressed very adult worries.

To this day, Dr. Seuss’s counsel prevails
As told through his many simple, zany tales:
Horton taught me "a person's a person, no matter how small".
Perhaps if government leaders recognized this, we would have no war at all!

Sam-I-Am taught me not to judge an egg by its color; 
Give everything a try!
Anything less is judgmental, 
And the wonders of the world may pass you by.
Marco reminds us, on a walk down Mulberry Street,
That the active imagination,
Will save all us adults
From mental, emotional and spiritual stagnation.

Yertle the Turtle taught me never to use others to get on top.
Again, if more adults were to heed this advice, a lot of injustice would stop!

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?: A story of gratitude.
Whereas Oh, the Thinks You Can Think speaks of magnitude.
Oh, the Places You Will Go reminds me, I have no limits
Marvin K Mooney Will You Please Go Now—a clear message for dim-wits!

Sneetches, Grinches, Zaxes, and even Zooks
The best advice I ever received came from Dr. Seuss’ books!

The End (until tomorrow),
 The Goofy Guru 

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