The answer is always LOVE (or sometimes, "42"!)

The answer is always LOVE (or sometimes, "42"!)
My philosophy is LOVEISM...

Friday, August 24, 2007

Comprehensive, Integrated HIV/AIDS/STD/TB Management Consultant

Comprehensive, Integrated HIV/AIDS/STD/TB Management Consultant: Kelly N. Patterson

Kelly has a diverse, decade-long professional history in setting up, directing and developing non profit, integrated community-based healthcare systems in resource-poor regions, with special focus on all aspects of HIV/AIDS management:

Awareness/public outreach

HIV/AIDS/STI/Primary Health Education: from primary school to medical professionals, to government officials

Multi-sectoral, multi-media, multi-sensory prevention strategies

Treatment: ARVT (based on availability) to traditional, alternative and homeopathic therapies; including DOTs program (Directly Observed Treatment) in partnership with Medicins San Frontiers (MSF), Department of Health Kwa Zulu Natal, Africa Center, and the South Africa Medical Research Council (MRC)

Kelly has worked with MSF in TB DOTS programs in Cape Town, Kwa Zulu Natal and Tela, Honduras.

Engineering, implementing and supervising volunteer, community Home-Based Care systems; The Kwa Zulu Natal Department of Health adopted my “Home Health” materials (originally created for the Vusimpilo Home-Based Caregivers) as a tool for public health nurses and provincial community health workers

Implementing VCT and PMTCT referral systems in partnership with Medicins San Frontiers (MSF), Department of Health Kwa Zulu Natal, Africa Center, and the South Africa Medical Research Council (MRC)

Kelly has managed PMTCT programs with Africa Center and MRC –Medical Research Council (South Africa) training of counselors and supervising logistics of breast milk distribution in rural Kwa Zulu Natal and Cape Town. VCT counselor recruitment, training and evaluating all over South Africa

Psycho-social support for PLWHA and those affected (from support groups to peer counseling, to social events)

Mental Health services for PLWHA and their loved ones link to
Income-generation for PLWHA and their loved ones

Stigma Reduction campaigns

Preventative intervention measures in the case of OVC (orphans and vulnerable children) such as implementing OVC Community Committees and systems to monitor, evaluate and assist OVC in rural Kwa Zulu Natal


Setting up Youth HIV Prevention Programs

Co-wrote Kwa Zulu Natal “Enhancing Care Initiative” proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria

Special Focus on Gender Issues in Relation to HIV

Kelly’s direct role in international gender awareness and advocacy includes: training SADC VSO (Volunteer Service Overseas) development workers and UNAIDS/UN Volunteers in gender issues awareness and introducing educational tools to integrate into all their development projects/programs; organizing and monitoring MAP (Men as Partners) support groups in peri-urban areas surrounding Cape Town (South Africa); working with rural Zulu pregnant women in gender issues training and awareness and designing/monitoring program implementation; freelance (pro bono) consulting for AWID, Women for Women International, ICW (Africa), EngenderHealth, and sports development for girls in Guatemala City (Guatemala), Kwa Zulu Natal (South Africa), Trinidad (Honduras), Seoul (Korea), and Pommerini (Tanzania.)

Additional Articles:

Honey Magazine: "AIDS in Africa" "AIDS in Africa: How Gender Issues Are the Lubricant for the Pandemic"

Sean's Blog: "AIDS in Africa: How Gender Issues Are the Lubricant for the Pandemic"

1 comment:

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God bless you all