The answer is always LOVE (or sometimes, "42"!)

The answer is always LOVE (or sometimes, "42"!)
My philosophy is LOVEISM...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Announcing the Get Goofy Road Trip (Chico to Austin edition)

The Goofy Guru and The Hair-Whisperer--and YES, of course we are doing this trip in a convertible!

JAN 8, 2012
For immediate release!
*Because it is ALL about LETTING GO, right?!

Kelly N Patterson, aka “The Goofy Guru”, Brittany Morgan Woodcox, aka “The Hair-Whisperer”, and Marvin, aka “The Ninja Cat” are preparing to embark on an epic “Goofy” Road Trip from Chico, California to Austin, Texas, starting the last week of January 2012.  *Estimated date of arrival in Austin?  Whenever we get there!

Brittany Morgan Woodcox, aka "The Hair-Whisperer"
Marvin, aka "The Ninja Cat"
Kelly N Patterson, aka "The Goofy Guru"
Aside from the principal mission of getting from Point A to Point B with a cat, The Goofy Guru and The Hair-Whisperer seek to document and demonstrate “Goofy” living/BEING along the way—Kelly and Brittany want to show people, in a very real way, how to integrate JOY, PLAY and LAUGHTER into all aspects of Life as well as raise awareness for the Get Goofy Movement.  And what better way to TEST the power of JOY, PLAY and LAUGHTER than on a Zen Road Trip—with a cat?

Brittany and Kelly, poolside 
Kelly and Brittany will economically support this trip with Law of Attraction as well as Osho Zen Tarot Readings and Goofy Guru coaching sessions by Kelly as well as Zen tie-dyes and mobile hair styling by Brittany.   Kelly, Brittany and Marvin the Ninja Cat will nonchalantly couchsurf their way down the Coast of California—all the way to San Diego (and who knows? Maybe a stop in Mexico?!!!) and then, head East through Arizona, New Mexico and final destination: Austin, Texas.  And we will be using our INNER GPS-systems to guide us!

Ways YOU can participate in this Goofy adventure:

·      Invite us to Couchsurf at your place (*if you are located anywhere along the CA coast-line from Chico to San Diego or anywhere in AZ, NM or TX, let us know!)

·      Make a hair appointment with Brittany (when we get into town—she literally can transform your hair ANYWHERE!)

·      Arrange an Osho Zen tarot reading with Kelly (either in person or by Skype!)

·      Arrange a Goofy Guru coaching session with Kelly (best in person, in YOUR world)

·      Invite us to FABULOUS events, parties, workshops, etc.

·      Send us your abundance and joy energy

·      Massages, sushi and champagne always welcome!

If you would like to participate in any way, email me at or message on FaceBook!

The only thing we know is that we need to be in LA by the first week of February, and we plan to be in LA for a week. Ideally, we will stop in Sacramento, little oases in Humboldt County, the Bay Area, Santa Cruz, LA, San Diego, weird places in Arizona and New Mexico, and finally, Austin. 

Our mantra, stolen from Kurt Vonnegut, “Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God.”  So we WELCOME peculiar travel suggestions! 

*To learn more about the Goofy Guru, click here

1 comment:

Charish said...

Wish I could join the two of you--sounds like an amazing journey! Alas, the rollerbag will be paused in Wisconsin for a spell, resting before new travels ensue! I will be watching your experiences unfold from the comfort of home.