First of all, let’s stop saying, “stuck in traffic,” because
what you resist, persists and the truth is traffic is a HUGE opportunity for
self-growth and self-love, on many levels: mind, body and spirit. Therefore, I created a list (please feel free
to add!) of mental, physical and spiritual activities, exercises and playful
shenanigans you can do while you are in your vehicle, in traffic. *NOTE: Some of these exercises, like
masturbation, may not be suitable if you are carpooling (well, of course, I
guess it depends on with whom you carpool!)
Meditate! Yes, perhaps you should
not aim to reach FULL theta state while operating a vehicle, but
you could be doing a
chakra cleansing,
sound healing, or some calming,
energizing or healing
chanting while
in traffic
. Meditating is exponentially more powerful if
you are carpooling and can inspire others to join you!
*If you are chanting, the Goofy Guru highly
suggests rolling down the windows and SHARING with other commuters (and no, not
everyone is going to
appreciate your
sharing “Mer-Ka-Ba” but who knows?
you make one person smile, you did your job and it FEELS good, right?!)
Goofy Guru meditating in the back of a convertible |
Learn a
new language. Seriously, without
even trying, by just putting on instructional language CDs regularly during your daily commute, you could learn a whole new
language in a few months—for FREE!
something/ANYTHING new! You can turn
your vehicle into your own personal classroom—for FREE!
You can download entire
playlists of TED Talks (“ideas worth sharing”); listen
to an informative or instructional audio book; teach yourself how to play the
harmonica; or even take a
FREE online course from top universities!
Listen to
a book. “Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries,
hours of enjoyment for each dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody
doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life.” –
Stephen King
your daily positive affirmations. Traffic
is the perfect setting for doing positive affirmations about abundance, good
health, creativity, self-love, or whatever you are seeking to manifest or heal
in your life. *If you search on the
internet you can find dozens of FREE downloadable positive affirmations of
every flavor; you can also find affirmations on popular “music” stations such
as Spotify and Pandora!
EFT/Tapping. Just in case you are not familiar with EFT (Emotional
Freedom Technique) --do your own
homework!! but— EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the
same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture. But instead of needles, simple tapping with
the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on throughout
the head and chest.
This combination
of tapping the energy meridians while voicing positive affirmations
at the same time works to clear any emotional blocks from your body,
thus restoring your mind and body balance, which, as you know is essential for
optimal health and healing of physical disease.
If you do your homework, you will find that EFT can be used to
address ANY issues/concerns/challenges-- from physical ailments to grieving to
money problems to attracting more wealth to “letting go” to dealing with
rejection, relationships, etc.
*I am a
fan of
Brad Yates.
with your loved ones. You can call
your mother, grandmother, the best friend from college you only talk to once
every 6 months, etc.; traffic is an ideal time to re-connect or catch up with
your cherished ones by phone (which is much more “personal” than texting.)
Masturbate! Yes, and I should not have to explain to
you HOW or WHY this is an awesome way to spend your time in traffic! *See,
now you are trying to imagine it…doesn’t THAT make you smile?
for messages/guidance. Whether or
not you believe it yet, the Universe
is ALWAYS communicating with you—literally, from bill boards to license plates
to road signs to animals. For example,
ever keep hearing the same song (or commercial) over and over every time you turn on the radio? Well, THAT is the Universe trying to
communicate with you! So listen carefully to the lyrics or the
commercial and try to HEAR the message for you. Pay
attention to billboards, road signs, shop signs, writing on passing vehicles,
etc. that POP OUT at you—this is Source communicating to YOU. *If you really want to have some fun, ask
questions and then look for the answers!
FUN signs for other commuters. Brittany
and I keep a dozen signs in the car at all times; signs that read: “Smile!”
“You are awesome!” “You are CUTE!” and several Dr. Seuss quotes. We
also have a “Thank you!” sign we use when people are being conscious,
considerate drivers. *The best part is
that you do not have to limit sign-usage to traffic; we take a few signs with
us everywhere…even at museums, when running errands and on the beach!
Create art!
The new “fancy” phones have built-in recording apps (in the old days
we used Dictaphones!), so you can record your next poem, song, short story,
play, film, letters to colleagues, Nobel Speech, whatever. At least keep notes on your BRILLIANT ideas
that are going to change the world and bring you a lot of abundance!
Massage and stretch. In my experience, massage is much more enjoyable if you can get your
carpool to participate, but you can always massage yourself (with or without
massage tools) and do sitting stretches while in traffic.
Radiate Love Meditation. Why not use this valuable time to project
LOVE energy to all people, places and
things?! Start with yourself, then your
family and loved ones, to your neighbors and colleagues, and then send LOVE to
your entire town, then state, then country, and so on (and especially the people who “challenge” you!) Simply
spending 10 minutes in a LOVE meditation not only heals YOU, but also raises
Gratitude Meditation. If you do not have time to maintain a
Gratitude Journal, you can use your time in traffic to acknowledge and honor
all the people, places and things you appreciate—from bees to a tax return to the
health and well-being of your family.
You can do this Gratitude Meditation in your head, while driving, or
make it a little more energetic by doing it opera-style or in a foreign accent
(*again, I would suggest rolling down the windows and SHARING!)
You can dance if you want to,
you can leave your friends behind (in traffic)…and if you are feeling
REALLY inspired or goofy, jump out of the car for a quick dance!
Brittany (aka, The Royal B) dancing during traffic
Probably the MOST effective mind-body-soul exercise you could
possibly do during traffic is DAYDREAM (aka, “manifesting”, “creating”, “visualizing”)
Through your daydreams and “fantasies”, you are really reminding
Source/yourself what you wish to manifest in your life (for further reference,
read: “The Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks”.) And the best part, if you really FEEL your
daydreams, well, they become reality (but don’t take my word for it, try it for
Therefore, until we remove “The Traffic Story” completely from
collective consciousness and roads, let’s use all this (irreplaceable) time meaningfully
to love our selves, expand mentally, physically and spiritually, AND raise the
global frequency! *And I welcome more BRILLIANT ideas—please SHARE!
LIVE your bliss,
Goofy Guru (aka, “Kelly N Patterson”)